At Sumptuosity Towers a couple of weeks ago, we received a box of fabric goodies from my friend Marcia in America. She is one of a number of vintage textile specialists from whom we purchase our fabulous vintage fabrics. This box contained a collections of patchwork pieces and two quilt 'tops' both of which had been described as 'Cutters', meaning that they were too damaged to use as the top of a quilt cover but had plenty of useful fabric that could be used for other projects. This is why we bought the tops, however, with them came some fabric that had originally been intended (presumably) for one of the bases, it was a white seersucker and very dull and boring not like all the colourful and exciting pieces. We have been having great fun trying all the new bits and pieces of fabric but I left the seersucker in a pile in the box at the side of my work table. There it might have remained until one day I was about to embroider my 'sheep' design and found that the box of 'sheep fabric bits' was empty. My eyes fell upon the white seersucker and suddenly instead of being a dull piece of fabric with little potential it materialised it a huge piece of fabric that would be brilliant for lots and lots of sheep - hurrah!
I really love it when an idea like this suddenly clicks into place. What my lovely husband needs to understand is that I am not 'untidy', I am simply keeping lots of fabric around me for possible flashes of I don't think that he will buy it either!
3 B.T.'s
1: I am currently reading a little book called 'Letters from New York' by Helene Hanff. It is the broadcasts that Helene did for Woman's Hour in the early 1980s and is a complete joy to read as her warmth and gentle humour shine through each mini episode of life in New York.
2: Barbara mentioned 'Champion the Wonder Horse' and depsite having the theme tune going around my head for the rest of the afternoon we had a laugh because Sophie thought she had said 'Champion the Werewolf'... maybe you had to be there!
3: We got our largest single order today at Sumptuosity Towers and John (who had first printed it off) brought it into our side of the studio waved it under each of our noses and wouldn't tell us who it was from until we had all seen the amount - he is a such a tease!
Bye for now, Love Ruth x
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