The windows of the new part of Sumptuosity Towers are now gleaming with fresh paint. Well, that isn't strictly true - one of them is gleaming with 'Witham Green' gloss paint and the other one has the green undercoat but not the top coat on yet. I am afraid that I am out of practice with my painting and so was much slower than I used to be. However, most of the paint went onto the woodwork and very little onto the glass and as my husband noted (to his great surprise) very little cursing!
Monday, 31 August 2009
Painting on a Bank Holiday Monday
The windows of the new part of Sumptuosity Towers are now gleaming with fresh paint. Well, that isn't strictly true - one of them is gleaming with 'Witham Green' gloss paint and the other one has the green undercoat but not the top coat on yet. I am afraid that I am out of practice with my painting and so was much slower than I used to be. However, most of the paint went onto the woodwork and very little onto the glass and as my husband noted (to his great surprise) very little cursing!
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Cheshire Cat Grin & Make and Cake
Sorry for the lapse in doing my usual blog, life has been really busy at Sumptuosity Towers. We have had a few special requests, one lady on seeing my noticeboard (which contains all my ideas and works in progress) asked if I could do a special bookmark for a birthday present - she wanted a carnivale mask and her friend's name embroidering. I do like this design, it is one we originally made for a charity mask ball and it was great to do it on a bookmark as I was able to embroider long twirly ribbons. I must get it added to our usual range.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Barnitt's Belles, Rabbits and Carrots
Monday, 24 August 2009
Dib Dib Dib - preparing for the trade fair
John and I have been busy with the preparations for Top Drawer our next and biggest Trade Show. John used masking tape to mark out the area that we have booked for the show and then we had the 'fun' of putting together the new display units and lighting to see if it all worked, fitted and of course how it looked! I am happy to say that all went well. Let's just hope that it goes so well together in London - fingers crossed.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Monkey’s in a Zoo!
John came into Studio 1 (the one that faces out onto the Walmgate) and declared that it was like being in a zoo, because of the way that people look in through the windows at all the activity that goes on in Sumptuosity Towers. He even suggested that we have some bars or ropes to hang from the ceiling so that we could swing on them! This led to a conversation between me and Sophie about what type of animals we would want to be – Sophie said a Lemur, while I was in a quandary between being a Sloth (I like the idea of lazing around!) or a hippo (I am a ‘pleasantly plump’ vegetarian who is sometimes a little grumpy). However, we couldn’t decide what John could be (any answers, please drop us an email). In the end, I thought that rather than one animal he could be a whole colony of ants – I was thinking of the ‘worker ants’.
John and I eat our lunch together and have started to listen to Radio Four programmes on the i-player. This means that any programmes that I miss due to the rapid rattle of sewing machines I can get a second chance to listen to in full. So far we have been listening to Stephen Fry’s English Delight and ‘Lost, Stolen or Shredded’.
I still occasionally have people ask me if I am happy having left my academic life for ‘sewing’ – the answer is oooooh yes!!!
1: A rainbow over
2: Sitting in Leeds Subscription Library and reading a book called ‘A journey to Medinah’ (1881) – it is very amusing, very upper class English in style. I leave a scrap of paper in it to mark it for next time I am there.
3: John said, I love to walk through
Bye for now
Love Ruth x
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Alanna banana at Sumptuosity Towers
Monday, 17 August 2009
Carrot Cake Club
We had a telephone call this morning from 'Just off the Square' in Cornwall, they had placed an order last night via John's super-duper on-line trade catalogue but wanted to ask for a few special requests. My tree frog brooches and Sophie's cricket brooches were added to the list; nothing unusual so far - what was different was the request for my carrot brooches to say 'Carrot Cake Club'! apparently there had been a request from a lady who (along with her chums) was madly fond of carrot cake and even went so far as to go on holiday (with her chums) and eat carrot cake wherever they could find it. We all love carrot cake at Sumptuosity Towers (in fact as many of you will know we love all sorts of cake!) and so were more than happy to comply with the request.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Sumptuosity comes to Blogger
We went into the Studio today (Sunday!) because I wanted to work on some new designs for the Jane Austen Centre in Bath. We are so busy during the week with all our usual embroideries that I never seem to find the time to work on anything new. John was supposed to be working on the new packaging for the Austen brooches but when I went in to see him in Studio 3 I found that he had been working on Blogger. He thinks (and I agree) that by being on this site it will make it easier for people to follow our blogs and for us to follow other people - I read 'Three Beautiful Things' everyday. Most importantly it means that I can write and upload my own blog without having to ask John to do it. This means that I will have much more chance to be cheeky about the day-to-day happens at Sumptuosity Towers. Keep posted!
Catriona & Debbie pay us a visit

Two young women appeared at the Studio this afternoon, one of them was wearing some of Sophie’s Alice in Wonderland brooches – including the latest design ‘Drink me’. Hang on I thought, we haven’t even put them out on sale in the Studio yet, how come she is wearing one? Then I remembered (my brain works very slowly sometimes!), John had already put these designs on our website, we had sold a couple of them and Barbara had packed and posted them. Yes, it was Catriona and Debbi, who had been ‘quick off the mark’ purchased the new designs off the website and were now out for a day in York and decided to come and find Sumptuosity Towers for themselves. It was great to meet them. We showed them some of ‘The Secret Garden’ designs and they gave us a new idea – Peter Pan! Sophie and I immediately began thinking of crocodiles and clocks…
Alanna (banana) has now done three weeks at Sumptuosity Towers – where does the time go? She has been busy embroidering and has even come up with a new design – an ice cream cone. No sooner had Alanna made it, Barbara had John make it into a brooch and put it on. Watch out for it featuring on our website soon…
3 B.T’s.
1: The whirring of sewing machines as all four of us sew and embroider away.
2: A ‘personal’ letter from Indianna in Liverpool – how nice to hear someone so cheerful.
3: David from the furniture shop down the road comes into the Studio, ‘Now then’, he says in a deep Yorkshire accent, ‘ I have brought you those old fabric sample books to see if they will be of any use for your sewing. – How kind and thoughtful!
Bye for now
Love Ruth xxx