Sunday, 31 January 2010

Alice in Wonderland, Hamsters and Guinea-Pigs

Well we have been back now for a few days and I must say how nice it has been to be sewing again. I am sometimes asked (often by people of the Academic fraternity) if I don't get bored with all the sewing that I have to do? The emphasis being that I 'must' do really... However, I can honestly reply that I love to sew, especially after a few days away at a trade fair when to return to my sewing machine is with as much joy as a smoker takes their first puff of a morning (although without the hacking cough and much much healthier!). The running of your own business is wonderful, often stressful, sometimes worrying, sometimes brilliant but never never BORING! If I ever look a bit down in the mouth by husband reminds me of some of the names of my least favourite students from the last Higher Education place that I taught at... it does the trick instantly (I of course will not mention anybody by name... even the girl who refused to believe in the existence of Nano-technology).

The rectangular brooches are now back at Sumptuosity Towers, we had some trouble between the machine and the silk that we use last Autumn and didn't have the time to sort it out until after Christmas, but now it is all systems go! Silk (as any sewer can tell you) is often somewhat troublesome to work with but it more than makes up for itself with the vibrancy of the colours and the lustre of it's sheen. The designs that are proving to be of particular interest are our 'Alice in Wonderland' range, some of these are embroideries onto silk, while others are on to sections of text from the book. We have got lots more ideas for this area and shall be putting them on-line as and when they are produced - so do keep coming back! The Sumptuosity Fairies and I are all looking forward to the new Alice in Wonderland film by Tim Burton that is due for release on March 5th, we are currently trying to persuade John that it would be a good idea for us all to go and see it as a Sumptuosity trip out - for inspirational research purposes obviously and nothing to with the inclusion of Mr. J.Depp in the cast.

At about five-0-clock on Thursday morning, I was awakened by a strange noise and lay in bed wondering what on earth it could be... then I remembered it must be Guy and Johnny in their wheel! Sumptuosity Fairy Sophie and James are away for a few days holiday in London and have left their beloved dwarf hamsters with us to look after. So that they are nice and comfortable we have put their cage on a table in our hallway - this is the warmest spot in our whole house and an area that we are always walking through on our way to the kitchen etc. and so we (o.k. me) can talk to them. All that John keeps saying is "Don't get attached because Sophie will be back soon!"

The last piece of news is that Mumsie has now got a new Guinea-pig! When her beloved Biddy died just before Christmas, she wasn't sure that she should have another pet (mumbles along the lines of being 87 in May..), however the whole family stood firm and said that it was important that she should rescue another piggy and so last Monday, Mumsie, Eddie and Barbara drove to a Guinea-pig rescue centre in Nottingham and chose a pretty little one whom Mumsie has named 'little Biddy'. Both Mumsie and Little Biddy seem very happy.

3 B.T.'s

1: The 'musical' Capybara in Gerald Durrell's book 'Three Singles to Adventure' - absolutely hilarious.
2: Guy and Johnny, our little furry hamster guests.
3: Talking to Mumsie on the telephone on Monday night, she sounded so happy now that she has got a new Guinea-pig.

Bye for now
Love Ruth x

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