Hello Everybody - or should I say anybody considering that it absolutely ages since I did my last blog!
Here at Sumptuosity Towers we are all rushed off our feet getting orders out for Christmas. In fact we are so busy (and with the end of November fast approaching) we are going to have a couple of 'Slumber Parties' at the Studio. Don't worry we won't actually be keeping the Sumptuosity Fairies there all night ( I think that Alanna's Mum & Dad might have something to say, not to mention Sophie's boyfriend James!), but we will be sewing into the evening and so John is buying in Pizza to keep us all working away. It is just as well that we all get on so well at Sumptuosity Towers...
Last weekend John and I had a redesign of the Studio space and now there is a proper designated 'shop area'. This is proving to be very effective and lots more people seem to be willing to come in through the door now that they know where to go and don't think that they are disturbing anybody. I have moved in with the other fairies - so we are all sewing fairies together.
I must tell you all of an incident that happened last week. I was in the shop area talking to a York University student who had ordered a number of Alice in Wonderland designs when outside our window I saw a man waving at me. In one hand was a can of Cider and the other hand was closed, holding something that I couldn't see. Firstly you must understand that Walmgate where Sumptuosity Towers is sees ALL of human life and I do mean all. We often see people the worse for wear with cans of drink up and down the road, as well as the very well heeled (it is York after all!). So when I saw this man waving at me with a can of Cider my thoughts were not good, however I went outside to see what he wanted... It turned out that although slightly the worse for wear he had seen a Blue Tit in the middle of the road and had gone and picked it up. The little bird was still alive and he didn't know what to do with it (this was the object in his other hand). We both looked at the bird and decided that (hopefully) it was only stunned and so placed it in the Ivy that covers a lot of Barleycorn Yard. I promised the man that I (we) would keep an eye on it and if worried would take it to Vet. I told him that I thought that he had done a very good deed by looking after this little bird and he said that if there was a God hopefully he would see that he had done at least one good deed in his life. I can report that the little bird after a few minutes gave itself a shake and flew off. It just goes to show that you can never judge a book by its cover!
Nicola's work continues to draw a lot of attention and this afternoon we sold another of her fabulous Sheep Peg Bags. People really love the illustrative quality of her work and it is great to be able to offer some help to an up and coming young designer (plus it makes a few pennies for the coffers at Sumptuosity Towers - maybe soon I will have that Chaise Longue...).
Finally, I have just had one of John's Famed cocktail Martini - a great way to finish a Saturday. We are back in the Studio tomorrow (Sunday) as York is currently busy all the days of week and we need to maximise every selling opportunity on the run up to Christmas - no rest for the wicked!
3 B.T's
1: We have been listening to 'Our Mutual Friend' on Radio Four every morning at 10.45 - it is my favourite Dickens novel.
2: The episode with the man and the Blue Tit - it is good that it had a happy ending for the little bird and teachers me that it is important not to judge a book by it's cover!
3: Again, it goes to Radio Four - this afternoon's play was about the trial in Tennessee of the teacher who taught Darwin's theory of Evolution (1925). He was convicted, but the case was later thrown out due to a technicality. Sophie hadn't heard of it before and we had an interesting conversation about the current situation in America with the theory of 'Intelligent Design'... The play was a warning about 'the sleep of reason'.
Bye for now
Love Ruthie xxx
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